When an apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away, an HSA can help to save for medical expenses with tax benefits.1
Key Features
Tax Advantages1
Competitive Interest
Free Digital Banking
- Greater personal control over healthcare management and expenses
- Prepare for qualified medical expenses
- Earn competitive interest
- Avoid the $3 monthly service charge with a daily balance of $3,000 or more
- One-time setup fee of only $10 (waived with company group enrollments)
- An HSA provides triple tax savings1:
- Tax deductions when you contribute to your account
- Tax-free earnings
- Tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical, dental, vision expenses, and more1
- Contributions can be made by you, your employer, or a third party
- Unused funds remain in account year after year; no "use it or lose it" policy
- Keep your HSA regardless of career or life changes
- Must have a high deductible health plan (HDHP) to be eligible
- Contribution limits and parameters set by IRS
- No charge for first 25 bank selected checks
- Free digital banking, including:
- Online banking
- Mobile banking
- eStatements
- $100 minimum deposit to open2
Please contact us for current rates.
1Consult a tax advisor.
2All new accounts are subject to a $10.00 early closure fee if the account is closed within 180 days of opening the account.
Most adults under 65 who are not enrolled in Medicare and are covered under a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) can qualify for an HSA, but it is up to the account holders to determine their own eligibility. Please contact your tax advisor for further eligibility requirements.
2025 HDHP Limits
- Minimum annual deductible $1,650 (individual) and $3,300 (family)
- Maximum annual deductible plus out-of-pocket expenses $8,300 (individual) and $16,600 (family)
- 2025 HSA Contribution Limits: (2025 contributions can be made until April 15, 2026):
- $4,300 (individual) $5,300 if age 55 or older1
- $8,550 (family) $9,550 if age 55 or older1
2024 HDHP Limits
- Minimum annual deductible $1,600 (individual) and $3,200 (family)
- Maximum annual deductible plus out-of-pocket expenses $8,050 (individual) and $16,100 (family)
- 2024 HSA Contribution Limits: (2024 contributions can be made until April 15, 2025):
- $4,150 (individual) $5,150 if age 55 or older1
- $8,300 (family) $9,300 if age 55 or older1
1Catch up contributions up to $1,000 allowed if age 55 by the end of the year.